Your direct debit mandate is now being reviewed for approval.

Once approved, you will receive a confirmation email to indicate that you have access to one free Lyphe Clinic appointment per month, as well as free shipping from Lyphe Dispensary pharmacy, and discounts from the Lyphe shop.

Any questions?

Check out our subscription specific frequently asked questions below.

How do I access free appointments?

Q: As a subscription program member, how do I access free appointments?

A: While we’re working on integrating free appointments into your account, please use our subscription member booking form to request your complimentary appointment.

How many free appointments am I entitled to?

Q: As a subscription program member, how many free appointments am I entitled to?

A: Subscription program members are entitled to one free appointment per month as part of your membership benefits. This complimentary appointment is designed to support you in staying on track with your healthcare plan and addressing any concerns or needs you may have. Depending on your current status in your appointment timeline, this free appointment may be utilised for a new patient appointment (if you’re a new member), a follow-up appointment, or a repeat prescription appointment. Our goal is to ensure that you receive the necessary care and attention at each stage of your healthcare journey, and we’re here to assist you every step of the way. If you have any further questions or would like to schedule your next appointment, please use our subscription member booking form to request your complimentary appointment.

How do I access other subscription benefits?

Q: How do I get free shipping through Lyphe Dispensary?

A: Upon signing up for the subscription program with the same email address as your Lyphe Dispensary account, free shipping will automatically be applied to your account for hassle-free ordering. Remember, free shipping is only available if you use Lyphe Dispensary pharmacy, and you must be a subscription member before your prescription is submitted to benefit from free shipping.


Q: How do I redeem the 10% discount at the Lyphe shop?

A: Please use code MEMBER10 at checkout to receive your exclusive 10% discount. This code is only registered to subscription members email addresses, so non-members won’t be able to use it.


Q: Will more benefits be added to the subscription program?

A: Absolutely! We’re constantly looking to enhance the value of our subscription program. Keep an eye out for upcoming benefits such as loyalty points, and join now to enjoy these future additions.

When do direct debit payments go out?

Q: When do direct debit payments go out?

A: Direct debits go out 5 business days after a patient sets up their direct debit. Future payments will be taken on the same day each month.

Is there a minimum length?

Q: To become a subscription program member, do you have to sign up for a minimum term?

A: Our subscription program is tailored for patients dedicated to their ongoing healthcare journey, hence it requires a minimum commitment of one year.

Can I cancel my subscription?

Q: Can I cancel my subscription?

A: Yes, cancelling your subscription is possible, but it’s important to note the terms. Our subscription program is tailored for patients dedicated to their ongoing healthcare journey, hence it requires a minimum commitment of one year. If circumstances require an early cancellation, a penalty fee of 10% of the remaining balance for the year will apply. To initiate a cancellation, please use our contact form and select ‘Cancel Subscription Membership’ from the dropdown menu. We’re here to assist you through the process.

Why launch a subscription program?

Q: Why launch a subscription program?

A: Our subscription program aims to make access to medical cannabis more affordable and convenient for those in need. We understand the financial challenges patients face, and we’re committed to breaking down barriers.

What inspired the creation of the subscription program?

Q: What inspired the creation of the subscription program?

A: The conception of our subscription program embodies our commitment to a patient-centric approach. We worked closely with a dedicated patient focus group to gain insights into their unique challenges and needs. By listening to our patients, we were able to tailor the subscription program to address their specific concerns and desires. This collaborative effort ensures that the program is not only innovative but also deeply resonates with the experiences of those it aims to serve. In essence, the subscription program was born from the collective wisdom and input of the medical cannabis community, reflecting our unwavering dedication to providing the best possible care for our patients.

How do I prove my Access Scheme eligibility?

Q: How do I prove my Access Scheme eligibility?

A: When selecting the Access Scheme membership, you may be required to provide evidence of your eligibility as a military veteran, low-income individual, or someone with a disability. Acceptable forms of evidence include:

  • Veteran ID card or military service records
  • Confirmation letter of receiving child benefits, housing benefits, or Jobcentre Plus support
  • Letter from the Department for Work and Pensions verifying your disability or low-income status

By providing one of these documents, you can easily demonstrate your eligibility and access the benefits of the Access Scheme membership at Lyphe Clinic.


Access UK medical cannabis treatment
from as little as £17.99 per month (after your initial consultation.)

Access scheme pricing is for military veterans, low-income, and those on disability
(we will require proof on application).


Our offering


Free clinic letters (Travel, DVLA, Work, etc.)

Priority clinic transfers

Free Boveda humidity packs (Lyphe Dispensary pharmacy only)

Lyphe shop – Save 10%

Follow-up appointment costs included

Repeat prescription appointment costs covered (Medication not included)

Free shipping on prescription orders (Lyphe Dispensary pharmacy only)

43% cheaper appointments vs. Standard (based on one year)


Pay monthly


Free clinic letters (Travel, DVLA, Work, etc.)

Priority clinic transfers

Free Boveda humidity packs (Lyphe Dispensary pharmacy only)

Lyphe shop – Save 10%

Follow-up appointment costs included

Repeat prescription appointment costs covered (Medication not included)

Free shipping on prescription orders (Lyphe Dispensary pharmacy only)

Only£19.99per month

Pay As You Go

Pay per appointment


Free clinic letters (Travel, DVLA, Work, etc.)

Priority clinic transfers

Free Boveda humidity packs (Lyphe Dispensary pharmacy only)

Lyphe shop – Save 10%

Follow-up appointment costs included

Repeat prescription appointment costs covered (Medication not included)

Free shipping on prescription orders (Lyphe Dispensary pharmacy only)

From£49per appointment


Our offering


Free clinic letters (Travel, DVLA, Work, etc.)

Priority clinic transfers

Free Boveda humidity packs (Lyphe Dispensary pharmacy only)

Lyphe shop – Save 10%

Follow-up appointment costs included

Repeat prescription appointment costs covered (Medication not included)

Free shipping on prescription orders (Lyphe Dispensary pharmacy only)

49% cheaper appointments vs. Standard (based on one year)


Pay monthly


Free clinic letters (Travel, DVLA, Work, etc.)

Priority clinic transfers

Free Boveda humidity packs (Lyphe Dispensary pharmacy only)

Lyphe shop – Save 10%

Follow-up appointment costs included

Repeat prescription appointment costs covered (Medication not included)

Free shipping on prescription orders (Lyphe Dispensary pharmacy only)

Only£17.99per month

Pay As You Go

Pay per appointment


Free clinic letters (Travel, DVLA, Work, etc.)

Priority clinic transfers

Free Boveda humidity packs (Lyphe Dispensary pharmacy only)

Lyphe shop – Save 10%

Follow-up appointment costs included

Repeat prescription appointment costs covered (Medication not included)

Free shipping on prescription orders (Lyphe Dispensary pharmacy only)

From£49per appointment